OUr foundation

our Mission

Above: The Pioneers pulling stumps by hand to clear the land to build New Metlakatla, Alaska, circa 1890.

​Below: The people of Annette Island raising the Albert Bolton Memorial totem pole in September, 1994.

To rapidly produce new fluent speakers of sm'algya̱x, the language of the tsimshian, and to create new sm'algya̱x learning materials.

Background image: "Passages" by David A. and David R Boxley

We are a non-profit organization whose source of funding comes from private donors and independent fundraising efforts.

The primary use of those funds go toward providing a range of cultural and educational activities, such as free Sm'algya̱x language classes, talking circles, college scholarships, community events and assisting other non-profits who share our goals.

our inspiration

Our inspiration comes from the Pioneers of the Metlakatla Indian Community who set aside their differences, pulled together, and against many hardships and setbacks, succeeded in creating a new Ts'msyen community in Alaska. We will continue that pioneering spirit in an effort to preserve, revitalize, and promote our tribe's language, cultural history, and practices. We will look back at the rich history of the ancient Ts'msyen people, who long ago developed a culture that governed how we treated one another, our belongings, our lands, our waters, and our community.
We are an ancient people, but we are also a modern people. It is in honoring and learning from the past that we will improve and strengthen our future. We will help to revive the traditional Ts'msyen way of life for our people in our present day so this generation and all the generations to follow will have an identity whose foundation is built upon strength, pride and traditional Ts'msyen values.



Gyibaawm La̱xha- David Robert Boxley


Ma̱ngyepsa Gyipaayg - Kandi McGilton


Huk Tgini'its'ga Xsgiik- Gavin Hudson



Fluent Speakers

2020 - Present

Huhuuł - Theresa Lowther



G̱oodm Nluułgm Xsgiik - Sarah Booth
